Climate change in my community

Summer maize ploughing seemed impossible for Misty Mount residents By Qaqamba Matundu Photo by Qaqamba Matundu December is a month that most people in the Eastern Cape use to plant maize because, summer is best known to be a great season for plants to blossom nicely with the help of sun, but due to climate change that has been ongoing the past years things are no longer the same. December is dominated by extreme heat. Misty Mount is a small disadvantaged rural area in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape with no job opportunities. People survive only by farming and now it’s difficult to make a living because everything is dying including livestock. The scorching sun makes the soil to be hard rock. Mzoxolo Ndiki, one of Misty Mount residents affected by climate change said, “Last year I asked a tractor to come plough for me since it was that period of maize, but it took weeks for it to finally manage because the soil was very dry. I then planted what later became waste because ev...