Understanding review writing
Review writing What exactly is review writing? “A review is a critical evaluation of a text, event, object or phenomenon” (Lecture content) . We judge things everyday and as a reviewer, your job is to state your opinions or judgment and support you them by presenting reasons and evidence. Review can be negative, positive or mixed. A review is when you give your personal opinion. According to a report by Bitesize, the aim of review is to offer an honest critique of the object under review, and to make recommendations to your audience. A good review includes enough detail to give others a feel for what happened, explain which factors contributed to your positive, negative or just so-so experience. You might also offer your view on what company is doing well, and how they can improve. But keep things friendly and courteous. Being detailed, specific and honest constitute good review writing and your review should not contain information that identifies people and do not be mean. “To h...